Thank you all for your comments on yesterday's post! Your responses mean a lot to me.
Just a snapshot of our house right now. Tara is upstairs cleaning her bathroom within an inch of its life. She has been working on it for hours. I will not break the spell by going up there to investigate.
BP is watching football. We are happy because the Jets won, and won by playing really well. I am happy because I am playing BP in fantasy football and it looks like I am going to win.
I have just finished cleaning the kitchen. It was necessary to clean the stove because I made potstickers a little while ago. I turned on the gas and got side tracked looking for something else while the pan was heating up. I forgot it was on. I added two tablespoons of oil. It did not sizzle wildly, so I felt safe adding the quarter cup water. Wrong! I am not sure the words sizzle and spit convey the ensuing sound. Snap, crackle, and pop would be more appropriate. And maybe "explode". Tara ran to the upstairs railing, probably wondering if she should call 911 for an ambulance as well as a firetruck. BP got off the recliner--on a Sunday. I turned the gas off and waited the disaster out from a safe distance. When it was over I thought it would be best to wash the pan and start from scratch. This is why I needed to clean the kitchen.
I am also a strange combination of exhausted and well rested. On this beautiful last-of-summer afternoon, I took my Kindle outside on the hammock and read. Then I was standing on the shore of a whitish blue bay surrounded by glaciers. It was a gorgeous, balmy day. My kayak was in front of me and I decided to go for a short paddle. I went a little way out, put the paddle down, and took out my Kindle. As I read, I let my leg trail over the side and found the Alaskan water to be wonderfully warm. I held my Kindle over my head and gently slid into the bay for a swim, careful to keep the Kindle out of the water. The water was beautiful, but I soon realized that I couldn't get back into my kayak without getting the Kindle wet. So I decided to float on my back in the direction I came from. I kept floating and floating. I inadvertantly wound up in the mooring area and I could hear an announcer on the public address system saying, "The woman is now going down under the cruise ship. When I opened my eyes, I realized that I had wandered deep down in the bay and I could see the entire outline of the ship above me. I have always been afraid of swimming under boats, but I was just horrified that my Kindle was getting wet. I used my legs to propel myself as quickly as I could, still holding the Kindle as far up as I could stretch. Finally I felt sand and floating leaves as I reached the beach. I checked the Kindle and was incredibly relieved to find myself in the hammock in my back yard in New Jersey.
I am well rested from my nap, but exhausted from that long swim.
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