Last night I saw a documentary on Tom Hanks. They, of course, showed a brief clip of Forrest Gump. I love that movie and have seen it many times. One of my favorite parts is when Foreest meets Bubba and Bubba tells Forrest all about how to prepare shrimp. The list continues through several scenes.
One might think that this is a funny but unrealistic exchange. I am not certain. Imagine, if you can, asking me what I've been doing at work lately.
"I teach about rocks. I talk about rocks six times a day. I've developed a graphic organizer that includes the formation of each type of rock, including subclassifications and examples. My students have read about rocks, answered rock questions, drawn rock posters, played rock Bingo, completed a rock wordsearch, done a rock crossword, and sung a rock song to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat. We watched a rock video about space aliens coming millions of miles to Earth to study rocks. I made my students test rock streak and rock hardness, and had them hunt for rock crystallization. They wrote descriptions of rocks and my best class got to write the rock test."
Next week we're studying dirt.
Run, Forrest, run!
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