Sunday, February 6, 2011

Gina and the Superbowl Non-party

A funny thing happened since my last blog.  Our family grew.  No, there is no change-of-life baby.  Our new addition, Gina, is two months younger than Tara.  Gina is a friend of Tara's who found herself suddenly in need of a new home.  Her mom has been incapacitated with a stroke, and well, she's here now and we are all very glad to have her.  So in future blogs when I'm writing about Gina, you will kindly understand that I am not seeing imaginary kids, nor did we unwittingly fail to include an offspring in our 2010 or 2000 census surveys.

Tonight was our annual watching of the Superbowl.  Just like last year we feasted on ginormous sandwiches from Harold's Deli.  Unlike last year, nobody dropped an entire pastrami and liverwurst sandwich on the floor.  Magic was sorely disappointed.  Nobody was rooting for anyone in particular, except maybe BP.  About halfway through the second quarter he decided Green Bay was looking good, so he declared himself rooting for the frontrunner.  Because of the general lack of enthusiasm for the game, and probably due to being stuffed with deli meat, we were not a lively crew.  Dee never made it here at all.  Gene and Terry went home after half-time.  Frank went home in the third quarter.  I got an unexpected call on my cell phone.  It was BP calling from the other couch to tell me to stop snoring.  So I picked up and reread the magazine article I had been working on in between commercials.  Woo hoo!  Superbowl Party!

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