Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm Just Writing to Bother You

I don't quite know what to do with myself, so I am bothering you.  I took the day off from work so I could rest up for tomorrow.  I'm heavily into the "mind over matter" thing, so I figured I would take care of a few phone calls and run an errand or two.  Then I'd spend the day reading and mentally preparing for tomorrow.  I took care of all the business I needed to take care of before noon.  Since I'd not slept well last night I decided that the best place to read was upstairs in bed.  I caught up on my sleep in one session, which means I caught up on my reading before and especially after the sleeping portion of my program.  By the time I finished The Poisonwood Bible I was hungry.  I ate a delicious healthy salad and three Chips Ahoy.  I'm not sure what to do next while I'm essentially occupied with the ambiguous task of waiting for tomorrow morning at 4:15 when it will be time to get up and leave for the hospital.  I am supposed to be there at 5:45 and the surgery is scheduled for 7:30.  That means I will have approximately one hour and forty-five minutes of waiting in the hospital.  And what am I worried about?  I am worried that they will put in that stupid IV before they absolutely need to.  I'm thinking 7:29:00 is a good time if I am unconscious by 7:29:30. 

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