Friday, March 11, 2011

Me, BP, and Dr. Seuss at the Hospital

That IV.
I do not like
that IV.

I do not like it.
I do not like it,
not one bit.

Would you like it here or there?
I would not like it here or there.
I would not like it anywhere.

Would you take it from a nurse?
She would really hear me curse.

Would you, could you just relax?
I'll defend me with an ax.

You will get one from the doc.
I could hit him with a rock.

IV's are easy in your arm.
I am violent; I'll do harm.

Nothing to it in your hand.
I could bury you in the sand.

You can do it, easy as pie.
That's a big fat rotten lie.

IV's aren't hard, it's in your head.
I might bolt right up from this bed.

You made Nurse Holly up and flee!
And now my arm is still so free.

IV's are just part of the rules.
Want to keep your family jewels?

I don't see why you have to fuss.
"Not 'til showtime" is a plus.

The doctor's here; it's time to go,
to get IV, I hope you know.

I hate IV.
I hate IV.
I do not like it,
even a bit.
I do not like them here or there.
I hate them, hate them everywhere.

It was too early.
I was surly.
But now the doctor's here.
He's always late.
I know my fate,
and now I will cooperate.

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