Friday, September 10, 2010

The Dishwasher ALWAYS Needs To Be Emptied

Plans and real life don't always see eye to eye.  My husband, BP, opened the dining room window and announced into the garden where I was sitting that he was starving.  Being the accommodating person that I am, and fairly hungry myself, I packed up the books I was planning to read and we headed off to Jose Tejas, one of our all time favorite restaurants.  We ordered a chicken and steak fajita for two with a side of guacamole.  It was the best guacamole I ever ate in my life.  Then, instead of coming home and reading, as long as we were in the neighborhood, we picked up some ice cream at the Dairy Maid and barged in on BP's sister and brother-in-law.  The plan was to stay an hour.  I'm guessing everyone knows how that goes.  It went until 11:00 and when I got home I thought mostly about going to sleep.  I didn't think about it that long, and then it was today.

The grand plan for today was to go to the beach, stroll the boardwalks through Bradley Beach, Ocean Grove, and Asbury Park, have lunch, and read/nap on the sand until about 4:00.  Before all that could happen though, I had it in my head to get my reading done, and do some technical things that I don't really understand on this blog.  I chose to get the technical stuff out of the way and I did it with a surprising minimum of frustration.  But, of course, it took longer than I expected and it was the appointed time for leaving for the beach. 

I took Magic, my black lab, out for a quick walk, and noticed the sky was cloudy.  It was kind of cool and maybe a little windy.  The beach is an hour away.  We're having company tonight and we need to straighten up a little.  The dishwasher needs to be emptied.  BP's knee is bothering him.  We could just stay home and I could catch up on all these little things.

No.  The dishwasher ALWAYS needs to be emptied.  There's always something to read and no house is ever completely mess free and devoid of things-to-do.  So I put on my sneakers, packed one of the books for the beach, took a bathing suit and a jacket, to be ready whichever way the weather was going to go, and off we went.

It was a great day.  I walked 13,000 steps.  We had a really nice lunch at a place we thought was going to be a dive.  Once on the beach we were graced with the companionship of a one-legged seagull.  BP listened to a book on his iPod while I read a couple of chapters.  Then I took a very little nap until BP started getting bitten by killer flies.  They must have been alarm flies because the attack occurred at exactly 4:00.

We left.  We came home.  The mess was still there.  The dishes were still in the dishwasher.  We took care of both and now we're waiting for our company.    It looks like everything got done, the fun and the mundane alike.

Tomorrow's Goals:
  • to get that reading done
  • to touch up paint the house with the paint and brushes that I purchased six week ago
  • to watch the Rutgers game
  • to either walk, bike, or kayak
  • to write
What I learned today- the dishwasher always needs to be emptied.  Go to the beach anyway.

Live it up!

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