Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sixth Time Around!

It is occurring to me right now that it is difficult to write about circling a building six times.

I came home with over 11,000 steps on my pedometer.  I spent my day walking around the outside of the school with my classes as they looked for evidence of weathering and erosion.  I did it six times, plus traveling up and down the stairs.  I did it seven times if you count the trip I made by myself yesterday to map out our "points of interest."  For me, weeds growing in a sidewalk crack are a point of interest.  I also found mold on a wooden board, sunken cement, and garden variety street debris piled up next to a curb.  And this was good.  Best of all, I was able to compare the weathering of bricks layed in 1993 with bricks layed in 1923.  I'm not saying I was unhappy doing this.  In fact, it was kind of cool to look up close at something we pass by every day and never really see.  What kind of person leads six consecutive tours of water damaged building material and calls it a good day?

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